Starting to recognize what I need during a pandemic quarantine:

1. Outside time every day. No. matter. what.

2. A shower. 🙂

3. Set-aside time and space to work. Clean out the home office, open the shades, light a candle, clear off the desk, stay in chair until all the daily work is done.

4. A great novel.

5. Limited Zoom meetings - I can do a few, but I am still an introvert. I had 4 Zoom meetings one day and it was too much for me. Weird, but true.

6. Limited news. Important to know what is happening, but that can be picked up in about 30 minutes in the evening through reputable sources.

7. My dog. What a joy-bringer she is.

8. My people.

9. Some inspirational reading - The Bible, some poetry, an Irish blessing, some writing from another era, something that helps me think bigger.

10. Dark chocolate.

How about you? What are you finding that you need during these strange times?