alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Seeing

A little wisdom ...

I just finished reading an Arthur Brooks column in the Atlantic. Gorgeous words. Here is a little excerpt I want to share with you: You will notice that all of the modern untruths I’ve identified have one big thing in common: They say you should focus on yourself—your future, your career, your discomfort, your truth. […]


The hard part Is to find yourself at home with where and what you are And still remain amazed. (John Koethe, "Beyond Belief") We live in a trance so much of the time, don't we? Here, but not here. Restless, never really at home. We carry around a vague sense of unhappiness with who we […]

Saturday selects ...

A brief thought or poem for the weekend, friends ... In such times as these, having recourse to periods of and spaces for 'doing nothing' is of utmost importance, because without them we have no way to think, reflect, heal and sustain ourselves -- individually or collectively. (Jenny Odell, How To Do Nothing: Resisting the […]

Attention as love ...

I have Covid. I had to miss a big family wedding, which broke my heart. On the bright side, having to stay home has opened up a bit of time to do things I have been putting off. One of those things is working through my spending over the last few months to see where […]

These are the heroes ...

The young man in a hoodie, bundled up against the cold, waiting at the corner for the bus that picks him up before dawn for the long, winding ride across town to the school farthest from his home; a two-hour daily commute. The little girls huddled together for warmth on the playground as the autumn […]

Every single creature ...

I have been pondering this quote lately: What is the test that you have indeed undergone this holy birth? Listen carefully. If this birth has truly taken place within you, then every single creature points you toward God. (Meister Eckhart, 1260-1328) This is different than how Christians of late have been instructed to test if […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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