alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: friends

Struggling to write ...

Hello my little group of readers. I have missed you. I have not written for awhile and that makes me feel sad and a bit paralyzed. How do you start back up? What do you say? I have been doing well, but have had some big assignments on my plate that have taken up most […]

The greatest gift I have to offer ...

There are certain writers I read again and again. Their wisdom never grows old, it simply shifts in impact as I flow through the phases of my own life. One of the most revisited is the late Henri Nouwen, arguably one of the greatest spiritual writers of my lifetime. I re-read his beautiful book "Life […]

Honesty ...

I have had some very honest conversations with a few dear friends recently. These conversations are game-changers. Not because there is any advice offered. No quick-fix suggestions. No "I used to struggle with the same thing, but then I found a perfect answer" nonsense. Nope. Just deep listening. Gentle curiosity. Simple questions asked only for […]

A beautiful friendship ...

As I write this, I am sitting in a cool hotel in the East Village neighborhood of Manhattan waiting for my friend, Ramerous, to finish coffee with a colleague. Ramerous and I flew to NYC together; a big leap from the middle of Iowa to the heart of Manhattan. Ramerous starts a coveted summer internship […]

Old friends, new travels ...

I am off on another travel adventure! Last April it was the Camino de Santiago in Spain. This April/May I am headed to Costa Rica on a wellness/adventure tour. One of the joys of group travel is connecting with friends, old and new. And one of the joys of this particular trip is that I […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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