alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Fear

Strange new world ...

This is a strange new world we are living in. A world of distance and a world of deep connection with all humanity. A world of fear and a world of hope. A world of confusion and a world being deluged with facts and pseudo facts. A world of silence and a world of "sound […]

Fear ...

"When fear, rather than love, compels us, we do really terrible things to other people." (Shane Claiborne) Think about our world right now. Doesn't fear feel like the primary emotion in the atmosphere? Fear + hatred. With these as the driving forces, really terrible things are being done. Everywhere we look. Fear + hatred = […]

Saturday selects ...

A brief thought or poem for the weekend, friends ... Pamela Greenberg's beautiful translation of the Psalms leaves me speechless. Her version of part of Psalm 27 lives in my heart these days: Don't give me over to the breath of my fears. For distortions in the name of truth, they breathe out visions of […]

Lord, have mercy ...

God, we pray for the shattered people of Israel. **Lord, have mercy ... And for the innocent civilians in Palestine. Lord, have mercy ... May the hostages be freed safe and sound. Lord, have mercy ... May the grief-stricken and traumatized be allowed their grief and offered comfort in the midst of the unimaginable. Lord, […]

God's wholehearted love ...

I love listening to broken people talk about God. There is no moralizing, no pontificating, no fake humility about how they are just so blessed. Just. So. Blessed. Give me a good alcoholic who has to try every day to stay on the wagon, give me someone who has had their heart broken once or […]

When God thinks about you ...

I have noticed in my decades as a pastor that more people than not have a troubled relationship with God. Rather than experiencing God as love and loving, we experience God as judgmental and judging. This dramatically impacts how we live, whether we realize it or not. A couple quotes got me thinking about this. […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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