alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Aging

Little deaths, little resurrections ...

One of my favorite writers, David Benner, states that much of our lives are made up of "little deaths and little resurrections," following the pattern of Jesus. Simply put: things end, dreams die, seasons transition, egos are bruised. And, when surrendered to, these little deaths often bring little resurrections: new life emerges, a new dream […]

Almost 60 ...

As I enjoy my final months of being 59, I resonate with this writing: "The human soul is like a fine wine that needs to ferment in various barrels as it ages and mellows. The wisdom for this is written everywhere, in nature, in scripture, in spiritual traditions, and in what is best in human […]

Custodian ...

I love the newsletter The Marginalian by Maria Popova. It's brilliant and so well curated it is almost as if you read an entire life-altering book (or two!) when you immerse yourself in her musings. She wrote this recently and I cannot stop thinking about it: "You are the only custodian of your own integrity […]

88 years of wisdom ...

My dad turned 88 on February 17. Yesterday!!! We celebrated with some of his favorite food, cherry pie, laughter, some new running shirts and a beautiful, royal blue golf shirt. He still runs and plays golf like a beast at 88 years of age. When he turned 80, he wrote a personal note to all […]

The greatest gift I have to offer ...

There are certain writers I read again and again. Their wisdom never grows old, it simply shifts in impact as I flow through the phases of my own life. One of the most revisited is the late Henri Nouwen, arguably one of the greatest spiritual writers of my lifetime. I re-read his beautiful book "Life […]

The weariness of constant improvement ...

I conquered entropy last week and jump-started my old routine of rising before dawn and hitting a 5:45 AM spin class at our local gym. Kudos, right? Afterward, I took some time to stretch and strengthen my freshly battered muscles and I saw that someone had written a supposed-to-be-inspirational statement on a chalkboard in the […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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