alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Sin

Martin Luther King, Jr.

I wanted to say something on this important national holiday; a piercing quote, a thoughtful word. But first, I decided to do some reading, to refresh my mind about the life and legacy of this man. I was struck by an excerpt from a book called The Heavens Might Crack: The Death and Legacy of […]

What is sin?

My favorite Irish poet, Padraig O'Tuama, in his book In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World, writes: Gulp. Yes, I know that sin, in the original biblical languages, is an archery terms that means "missing the mark." Yes, I know that. And I am aware that this definition can leave us with feelings […]

If we started protesting ...

Something I find myself pondering these days: Self-righteousness, in a group of people who claim to believe that the Scripture is correct when it says "There is no one righteous; not one …" is an especially ugly trait. Particularly to a watching world … It was actually one of the few sins Jesus seemed to […]

What is the sin that separates?

What really separates us from God? Is it sin, or something else? I have been pondering this question lately. Listen to this: "Our misdeeds are not the real root of the problem. They are just what the tradition called actual sins. There is a much more serious problem, what the tradition called original sin. It […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
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