alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: blessing

When your body lets you down ...

I flew to Spain a couple weeks ago. I went with friends who were walking the Camino de Santiago, an ancient pilgrimage. Because I hurt my knee this summer, I was not going to walk. But I had lovely plans ... to explore Spanish cites, enjoy great food, drink, reading, resting. Which I did. Until […]

A liturgy for leaving ...

I leave for my modified Camino on Tuesday, September 3. I thought I would be packing a suitcase filled with wool socks, hiking pants, blister band-aids and rain ponchos. Instead, I am curating my reading selection, packing cute dresses for evening meals, scouting out coffee shops and wine bars, and loading up a brand new […]

Dirt ...

Why is it that when I put my hands in the dirt I feel better? What is it about mud and worms and soil under my nails that grounds me? Why do I love weeding by hand - pulling out unruly dandelions and clover - to create what feels like a bit of order in […]


The hard part Is to find yourself at home with where and what you are And still remain amazed. (John Koethe, "Beyond Belief") We live in a trance so much of the time, don't we? Here, but not here. Restless, never really at home. We carry around a vague sense of unhappiness with who we […]

A very belated Christmas thought ...

A year ago, after a somewhat rocky Christmas Eve, I woke at 4 AM and wrote this essay to read to my family before we ate monkey bread and frittata and drank some mimosas. I read it again this year before our traditional Christmas morning repast and it seemed to resonate with my people. I […]

A day set aside for gratitude ...

Oh let's take a day, shall we? Yes, the world is aflame with hate and war and greed and devastation. We acknowledge this, we look at it straight on and our hearts break. We lift up our hands to you, God, and we pray the only prayer that makes any sense in these times: "Help! […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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