alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Power

One (more) thing I know ...

As I said before in this post, I don't often pontificate on things I know for sure about God. Too big of a risk I will be incredibly wrong. However, there are a few things I can boldly say I know for sure. Here is one: Never buy a Bible from a politician. The motivation […]

Oh Mary knew ...

There are plenty of jokes about the song, Mary Did You Know? You've read them or watched them, possibly laughed at them. But I feel the need to add my voice to the clamor. Every time I hear the song, I think of the powerful and prophetic words that flowed from the brave heart of […]

An uprising ...

The great Swiss theologian Karl Barth said, "To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world." I wish I actually believed that. Because if I did, I would never unclasp my hands. I am just being honest here. My heart jumps at the sentiment of Barth's […]

Stand in your power ...

During the last year or so as I made hard decisions about the direction of my life and career, I faced strong headwinds of frustration, confusion, and even anger from friends and colleagues. As I navigated these tricky moments, my spiritual director would often ask me to close my eyes and imagine myself. She would […]

Shame on those Baptists ...

The Southern Baptist Convention has just tightened their reins, circled their proverbial wagons, created rules about who can and who cannot be a pastor or preacher or leader in their churches. Who can? A man. Who cannot? A woman. No statements about who is most gifted, most educated, most experienced, most called to the task, […]

What if we stopped?

Imagine the power for good that could be released into this bruised and broken world if women stopped obsessing about our bodies, and focused all that energy, instead, on living big, wild, free, courageous lives. Imagine the energy that could be harnessed for world-changing. Imagine a world full of women unleashed, unhooked from body shame. Imagine what we […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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