alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Psalms

What to do when you are weary ...

What do you do when you are weary? I think this is an important question to know the answer to. The answer will be different for each of us. That is why I like it; there is no "right" answer, there is only your answer. I have learned my way into my answer: I always […]

Praying the Psalms ...

"The human condition teeters on the edge of disaster. Human beings are in trouble most of the time. Those who don't know they are in trouble are in the worst trouble. Prayer is the language of the people who are in trouble and know it, and who believe or hope that God can get them […]

Praying the Psalms ...

There is a scandalous little line in the Psalms, when the praying person entreats God to 'bow down Your ear.' Consider the implications of such an invocation. A subject of the Most High, who ought to approach in trembling obeisance, asks the King to bow down to him. We picture the master stooping to the […]

Praying the Psalms ...

"In prayer we intend to leave the world of anxieties and enter a world of wonder. We decide to leave an ego-centered world and enter a God-centered world. We will to leave a world of problems and enter a world of mystery. But it is not easy. We are used to anxieties, egos, and problems; […]

Praying the Psalms ...

"Prayer is not the place to be good, but the place to be honest." (John Coe) I don't know what has happened to us humans, but prayer these days often feels performative and kind of prissy. We are rarely honest. We try to sound better and more religious than we are. We talk to God […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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