alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Boundaries

The great subtraction ...

A great German thinker named Meister Eckhart said, "God is not found in the soul by adding anything but by subtracting." I remember where I was when I first read this line. I was lying on my couch reading the book in which it was contained. Ever have one of these moments? The whole world […]

A tip ...

Here's an idea: If you are invited to a wedding that you don't feel good about for whatever reason, let's say you don't agree with it, my most sincere tip is to stay home. Don't show up with a scowl on your face, assuming that it is better to be present at the celebration, all […]

Shop on behalf of your neighbor ...

As a little girl, I lived on the East side of our town, which, like many cities, is divided by a river. Our side of town, in the late 60's and early 70's, was considered the rough side, the more dangerous side. We were, and still are, a city divided by race. My folks chose […]

The soul keeps the score, too ...

October 14 is the one-year anniversary of my resignation from a church I preached at for 23 years. I have done lots of internal work since then. To be honest, I did lots of internal work before and during my resignation, too. But ... I have found myself sad and anxious lately. Weird emotions pop […]

Mama Bears ...

To all my mamas of LGBTQ+ kids (big or little): You are fierce. You (most likely) have been through fire. You love your child with ferocity. You are my heroes. I have sat with you as you weep not for who your child is, but for fear of what the world might do or say […]

When you can't do it all ...

I have been AWOL from Alice at Dawn, my fav little community, for too many days. After I got home from Costa Rica, I found myself navigating so many responsibilities that I couldn't manage it all and so, as one does, I dropped things that felt less urgent. Specifically, writing and getting regular exercise. Also, […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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