One thing I despise

is simple answers to questions about


There is something that rings so false

to me

when people act like they have prayer and God

all figured out.

This is why I love writers, thinkers, dreamers who aren't afraid

of mystery.

Especially when it comes to prayer ...

One of my favorite childhood authors writes this:

"What happens to all my prayers – those that are not answered,

and those that seem to make things worse than anyone ever anticipated?

Surely they are still sustaining me.

Perhaps there will be unexpected answers to them,

answers I may not even be aware of for years.

I cannot believe they are wasted or lost.

I do not know where they have gone,

but I believe God holds them,

hand outstretched to receive them like precious pearls."

(Madeline L'Engle - Cries from the Heart)