"All the absurd little meetings, decisions, inner skirmishes that go to make up our days.

It all adds up to very little,

and yet it all adds up to very much.

Our days are full of nonsense, and yet not,

because it is precisely into the nonsense of our days that God speaks

to us words of great significance --

not words that are written in the stars

but words that are written into the raw stuff and nonsense of our days,

which are not nonsense just because God speaks into the midst of them.

And the words that he says, to each of us differently are

'be brave ...

be merciful ...

feed my lambs ...

press on toward the goal ...'

These words that God speaks to us in our own lives are the real miracles.

They are not miracles that create faith as we might think that a message in the stars might create faith,

but they are miracles that it takes faith to see -

faith in the sense of openness,

faith in the sense of willingness to wait,

to watch,

to listen,

for the incredible presence of God here in the world

among us."

(Frederick Buechner)