I know so many people going through hard things right now.

For all of you, I share this today from

Christian journalist, Malcom Muggeridge:

"Contrary to what might be expected,

I look back on experiences that at the time seemed

especially desolating and painful

with particular satisfaction.

Indeed, I can say with complete truthfulness

that everything I have learned in my

seventy-five years in this world, 

everything that has truly enhanced and enlightened my existence,

has been through


and not through 


Trust me, 

I know this is hard to hear when you are in the center of the storm,

when you are so weary you can't keep your head up.

And it is not very helpful comfort

when you are in acute pain.

If that is where you are right now, I get it.

File this,

and look back on it in a year or so ... it will mean more then.

Just know this:

Our stormy times are not a waste.

We walk through them so that we can become who we are meant to be.

And so that when we see others in a storm,

we know how to provide shelter,

safe harbor,

and words of both comfort and courage.

So, for all my friends in a storm today,

as one of my favorite authors said:

"Carry on, warriors ..."