I am in a season of waiting;
waiting alongside people I love very much
for decisions
that will determine, to a large extent,
the trajectory of their future.
I hate waiting.
I hate uncertainty
I hate knowing that there is nothing I can do
to make circumstances turn out
the way I think they should.
Anyone else feel this way?
So I stumbled across a paper Henri Nouwen
wrote on the spiritual practice of
Here is one very challenging, and deeply inspiring, excerpt:
"To wait open-endedly is an enormously radical attitude toward life.
So is to trust that something good will happen to us that is far beyond
our own imaginings.
So, too, is giving up control over our future and
letting God define our life,
trusting that God molds us according to God's love
and not according to our fear.
The spiritual life is a life in which
we are actively present to the moment,
trusting that new things will happen to us,
new things that are far beyond our own imagination,
or prediction.
That, indeed, is a very radical stance
toward life
in a world preoccupied
with control."
What might my waiting look like
if I practiced faithful, open-ended waiting,
rather than fearful,
demanding waiting?
I think I am going to give it a try and
find out!