As I listen to conversations between Christians, and as I pay attention to some of the arguments amongst Christian groups of various kinds played out for the world to see on social media (um, is this wise?) I have found myself wondering …
Do we believe more in our own beliefs than we do in Jesus?
It sure seems like we do.
Fighting over what we believe about women…
Fighting over what we believe about very specific doctrines…
Fighting over what we believe about sexuality…
Fighting over what we believe the true definition of “biblical” is…
Fighting over politics …
And the list goes on…
I have found myself wishing we did a bit more fighting over Jesus, to be honest.
Martin Luther nails it:
“Whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God, your functional savior.”
At times, you would think our beliefs have become our “god,” our “functional savior.” We cling to them more tightly than almost anything else … it seems our very faith hinges upon them. We seem to want to fight to the death for them.
Do we believe more in our own beliefs than we do in Jesus?
Do we?