I regularly attend a hot yoga class. And I regularly put my mat down in one specific spot.I always put my mat right next to the teacher, in the hopes some of her beautiful energy will transfer itself over to me. Plus, I always need to sneak a peek at her so I know what I am supposed to do.

But one Monday night I arrived late to the class so I had to put my mat in a different spot.

The class was crowded and it felt weird to be out of place.

As the class began, the instructor came around with some lemon essential oil that she places in our hands to help "wake up our senses" before class. Usually, she is completely silent as she does this.

But, as she bent down to put the oil in my palm, she whispered these words:

"Oh, there you are …"

She saw me.

She knew I was in a different spot.

But she found me, nonetheless, and she let me know that she saw me; that I mattered.

She sounded happy and relieved to see me, to find me, to know where I was in the room.

I cannot even describe what those words did for my soul.

I was looked for. I was seen. I was known. I was appreciated. It mattered that I was there.

This is one of the truest essences of "blessing" someone -- simply to see them and to be delighted.

And then to express that delight to the person somehow.

Reminds me of my favorite biblical blessing:

"The Lord bless you and keep you,

the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;

the Lord turn his face toward you

and give you peace."

(Numbers 6:24-26)

Who can you bless today?

All you have to do is look for them, see them, and say something as simple as, "Oh, there you are …"