“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” —Meister Eckhart

We make prayer (and life) too complicated.

I love how Eckhart boils it all down to "thank you."

For what can we say "thank you" to God this week?

We who live in the wealthiest country in the world ...

We who are recipients of a quality of life most others on the globe can only hope for ...

We who have so many material possessions that "simplifying" has become a whole thing unto itself ...

Might we start with the basics?

A place to sleep, a warm abode, clothes, enough food, a few friends, perhaps a family that loves us. Or tries to.

Freedom to choose our life direction. A community, neighbors, the rule of law.

A best friend, a partner, a spouse, a child or two.

Laughter, Netflix, popcorn, dark red wine, candles on a cold fall evening.

And on and on and on we can go.

And if all we ever say to God is "thank you,"according to one of the greatest spiritual thinkers of all time, it will be enough.

Let's get started.