One of my deepest struggles with evangelical Christianity is the dualism through which this version of faith views people.

In or Out.

Good or Bad.

Saint or Sinner.

Christian or non-Christian.

Believer or non-believer.

Heaven or Hell.

These distinctions just don't hold water for me, especially because they are often used to label and to unconsciously discard people.

I was once at a wedding and a Christian man stood next to me and, while pointing to various folks at the party, whispered in my ear: "She's a believer ... He's not. He is a strong believer. She is a non-believer."

It struck me as so narrow, so limited, so unwilling and unable to see the mystery in every human being. To see and cherish the Imago Dei in each person's soul, in each person's story, in each person's face.

Richard Rohr is helping me break away from the dualism I was steeped in, and is walking me out into a wide open way of seeing and being.

He says: "A mature Christian sees Christ in everything and everyone else."

My God, yes!

What a way to see the world!

What a way to interact with other precious human beings!

What a way to remind oneself that we are not the center of anything; that the God mystery is everywhere and in everyone!

What a way to be amazed and to live in awe of it all, rather than labeling, categorizing, and diminishing the lived experience of the people with whom we are privileged to interact!

Oh God, dissolve my dualistic mind ... give me eyes to see and ears to hear.

For You, as CS Lewis said, "walk everywhere incognito."