I was reading through some old notes last night and came across this little snippet of wisdom from Dallas Willard,
“To drift in this society is very dangerous.”
It reminded me why the ancients used to create and then adhere to a “rule of life,” which was a term used to describe specific practices, or habits, that each person wanted to intentionally include in their days. Some monasteries had specific communal “rules” that each monk followed. Others created their own individual “rules” that were unique to them.
Here is an example from Pope John Paul XXIII. Notice how simple it is:
* Spend 15 minutes in prayer first thing in the morning
* Spend 15 minutes reading spiritual literature
* Before bed, spend a few moments examining my conscience and making a confession to God; then identify the issues I want to pray about in the morning
* Set aside time for prayer, study, recreation and sleep
* Make a habit of turning my mind to God in prayer throughout the day
What do you think of this?
Do you have a “rule of life?”
Most of us do, whether it is an intentional one or not is really the question.
Pay attention to your life this week and see where your time and attention are going …
Are you drifting and hoping you will just float to where you want to be?
Or is it time to provide a bit more gentle intentionality to your days and weeks?