I wonder sometimes if money spent on weapons of war

was instead spent on feeding and educating the whole world,

or digging wells for every village,

or providing healthcare for every man, woman and child,

or putting a roof over every beloved head,

might that change things?

I wonder if every missile,

or tank,

or fighter jet,

was melted down

and formed into transport ships to bring food to hungry babies,

or books to those with none,

or doctors to every corner of the earth,

might that change things?

I wonder if every politician

who takes money from lobbyists

accepted donations only from those

who elected them,

might that change things?

I wonder if every time I felt hatred,

I chose to pray for my enemy,

every time I felt greedy,

I chose to give,

every time I felt despair,

I chose to dance,

might that change things?

I wonder sometimes ...