alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Community with Others

What if the church ...

Something to ponder this morning ... What if the church helped people become the kind of people who: Loved one another? Forgave one another? Prayed for one another? Bore one another's burdens? Were devoted to one another? Regarded one another as more important than oneself? Did not speak against one another? Did not judge one […]

I stood at attention ...

I am so shocked and saddened by the death of 9 saints from a South Carolina church. Such hatred. Such sadness. Such a waste of beautiful human life. I listened to the relatives of these victims speak at the bond hearing for the young murderer. And I stood at attention in my kitchen as I […]

And this is the consolation ...

Some people I love are burying their most precious loved ones today. I don't have words for the sadness. Sometimes poems speak for my broken heart. This one does: "And this is the consolation - that the world doesn't end, that the world one day opens up into something better, and that we one day […]

The friend who comforts ...

How do you walk with someone experiencing the very deepest kind of grief? We are so often tempted to think we need to say something ... something deep, something that will comfort, will heal ... something profoundly spiritual. But what if the most important thing we can do is to simply show up, and be […]

Summon the courage ...

"It's not for me to judge the gifts I have to offer the world, but it is up to me to summon the courage to offer them. There are as may ways to be of use and to express our love as there are people on this earth. Some save lives in emergency rooms while […]

A church which is bruised ...

"I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security ... More than by fear of going astray, my hope is that we will be moved by the fear of […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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