alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Becoming yourself

Ah, the stoics ...

A test: try living the life of a good person and see how it suits you. Be the one happy with her fate, rejoicing in his acts of justice, and bent on deeds of kindness. (Marcus Aurelius, 121-180)

Faces ...

I indulged in a facial last week. Pure delight. I was struck by how gently and tenderly my aesthetician treated my face. Such light touches, Such gentle strokes. It almost brought me to tears. Weird, right? Think about it, though - our faces do such majestic work all day, every day. They are how we […]

The day Alice put her feet in the mud ...

A year ago I was walking the ancient pilgrimage called the Camino de Santiago. I was in northern Spain with some of my closest friends and a gracious Spanish guide named Javi. The second or third day of the journey Javi urged me to take my shoes and socks off and walk part of the […]

These are the men ...

These are the men … The men who are over the moon to become fathers to little girls. Who play rough and tumble, but also hold close. Who teach their girls to be brave, as well as beautiful. To be courageous, as well as gentle. To be assertive and kind. These are the men who […]

Deconstruction ...

Faith deconstruction seems like a natural by-product of life. The faith of our childhood, our young adulthood, should morph, change, and become more mature. If I still have the faith of an 18-year old at age 58, something went seriously wrong. Six months ago I left a church I attended and was a part of […]

We are beauty sick ...

A really important repost: A friend of mine from my days at Northwestern University (thanks, Mary!) suggested I look into the research of a current psychology professor at our Alma Mater. Dr. Renee Engeln wrote a book called Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women. I cannot recommend it more highly. […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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