These are the men ... colleagues and friends, who

see women as teammates, equals and partners in the world.

These are the men who never take credit for her ideas,

who always ask her opinion,

who happily get the coffee, take the notes or bring snacks to the meeting.

These are the men who tell great jokes that don't cross any lines,

who ask interesting questions

and make everyone in the room feel heard, seen and valued.

These are the men who are happy with a female boss,

who refuse to reduce women to sexual objects,

who never make snide remarks to their male colleagues,

and who stand up to bullies on behalf of those less powerful.

These are the men who are so confident in themselves that they

don't brag or boast or belittle,

but instead praise, compliment and uplift.

These are the men who don't grip so tightly to power that no one else gets a chance to lead.

These are the men who listen as intently to a female pastor as a male,

who aren't ashamed to cry.

who walk a co-worker home,

who give away their umbrella,

and take a sick day to be with a flu-ridden child so their wives can go to work.

These are the men ... colleagues and friends, who

remind me that the world is filled with goodness,

and that men and women

working, living and loving together

can be one of the most beautiful



These are the men ...