Prayer is confusing to us.
We have received all kinds of mixed messages … and often we feel paralyzed, inadequate and guilty.
I have to believe God does not want us to feel this way.
He just wants us to come to him as we are with what we have and to do our best.
One thing that has helped me to be more real and honest in prayer is a bit of writing from M. Robert Mulholland in his book “Invitation to a Journey” in which he states that …
“Our cross is the point of our unlikeness to the image of Christ, where we must die to self in order to be raised by God into wholeness of life in the image of Christ right there at that point …
So the process of being conformed to the image of Christ takes place at the points of our unlikeness to Christ, and the first step is confrontation.”
Can you see what he is saying?
That one place where you are most unlike Christ is the exact place Christ wants to work.
We are to feel free with Christ to bring that most broken of all places in us to the Father in prayer.
When we start to be honest the blocked places in prayer break open ... and healing, wholeness and God’s power start to flow into us, right in the place about which we feel most hopeless.
Bring to God the stuff you feel the most awful about and see what he can do …