Seems right, as summer begins, to ponder a bit of writing from Henry David Thoreau:

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,

to front only the essential facts of life,

and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,

and not, when I came to die,

discover that I had not lived ...

Our life is frittered away by detail ...

I say, let your affairs be as two or three,

and not a hundred or a thousand ..

Simplify, simplify ...

Why should we live with such hurry and waste of life?"

May your summer be filled with at least a tad of what Thoreau proposes ...

a few quiet nights,

a couple lazy weekends,

numerous unhurried meals,

a few less things on your schedule,

time to live in such a way that when you come to die ... you find that you have really lived!