alice at dawn alice shirey blog

A breath of fresh air for your mind.

Have you been prioritizing your daily to-do lists over life’s bigger picture? It can be so easy to get caught up in tasks and forget to foreground life’s mysteries once in a while. So set aside just five minutes and join me on Alice at Dawn as we ponder thought-provoking questions and navigate our complex world together.

alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Featured: Pleasure is a thing ...

Down near the bottom of the crossed-out list of things you have to do today, between "green thread" and "broccoli," you find that you have penciled "sunlight." Resting on the page, the word is beautiful. It touches you as if you had a friend and sunlight were a present sent from someplace distant as this […]

Oh Mary knew ...

There are plenty of jokes about the song, Mary Did You Know? You've read them or watched them, possibly laughed at them. But I feel the need to add my voice to the clamor. Every time I hear the song, I think of the powerful and prophetic words that flowed from the brave heart of […]

Praying the Psalms ...

"Prayer is not the place to be good, but the place to be honest." (John Coe) I don't know what has happened to us humans, but prayer these days often feels performative and kind of prissy. We are rarely honest. We try to sound better and more religious than we are. We talk to God […]

Saturday selects ...

A brief thought or poem for the weekend, friends ... "There is always an enormous temptation in all of life to diddle around making itsy-bitsy friends and meals and journeys for itsy-bitsy years on end. It is so self-conscious, so apparently moral, simply to step aside from the gaps where the creeks and winds pour […]

Curiosity ...

When I resigned from my job over a year ago, one thing that struck me was how few people were curious about my process, my learning, my sense of conviction that led to my resignation. It was a rare person who asked me a question that stemmed from a desire to understand me. What have […]

An uprising ...

The great Swiss theologian Karl Barth said, "To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world." I wish I actually believed that. Because if I did, I would never unclasp my hands. I am just being honest here. My heart jumps at the sentiment of Barth's […]

Praying the Psalms ...

"Everything depends on how we read, on how we enter the magic circle of a text's meaning; on how we smuggle ourselves into its words, and all the texture of a text to weave its web around us." (Michael Fishbaine) May you enter the magic circle of today's Psalm, smuggle yourself into its words and […]

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alice shirey alice at dawn blog

A mental breath of fresh air.

There is sometimes a perception that because I have been a pastor for the past 20 years and have been counseling at least as long, that I have my whole life together.

But honestly, that’s not always the case.

I struggle with many of the same things that you do, and that’s one of the reasons I write Alice at Dawn. So that we can tackle those questions together.

alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

Please join us, and invite others ... You are very, very welcome here.


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