alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Friendship With God

Why resolutions are bad ...

I have been following Billy Graham’s grandson, Tullian Tchividjian, on twitter. He tweets a lot about grace. Learning to live in grace is my one New Year’s resolution for 2015. Then I read what Tchividjian had to say about resolutions: “Down deep, every one of us longs to be loved, accepted, appreciated, respected, and so […]

How do you live?

A post-Christmas question: Do you live as if God came down to you? or Do you live as if it is all up to you to make your way to God?

A little disappointed ...

When I was little, I built up Christmas in my mind … and then I was always vaguely disappointed with the actual day. It never lived up to all my childlike hype. The gifts were just stuff. The food was just food. The day came and went … I often feel that same sense of […]

Coming home ...

My three kids are coming home on Saturday … One from New York City where she works, one from Washington, DC where she works, and one from Philadelphia where he just finished finals. They all fly in to Iowa together on the same flight out of O’Hare. I can’t wait. I have enjoyed every minute […]

God is with us ...

This morning at our staff meeting we will be answering the question, “How do you keep Christ in Christmas?” Now, that is a good question - don’t get me wrong. But I wonder sometimes if the main character in that question (you) is wrong. I wonder sometimes if the better question is, “How do you […]

Time shouts ...

Cultural anthropologist Edward T. Hall says, Time talks. It speaks more plainly than words. The message it conveys comes through loud and clear. Because it is manipulated less consciously, it is subject to less distortion than the spoken language. It can shout the truth where words lie. If this is true, how we use time […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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