alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: bodies

Dirt ...

Why is it that when I put my hands in the dirt I feel better? What is it about mud and worms and soil under my nails that grounds me? Why do I love weeding by hand - pulling out unruly dandelions and clover - to create what feels like a bit of order in […]

One thing I know ...

I posted this a year ago ... posting again because, well, politicians. I don't often make religious claims with absolute certainty. Not my style. But I am gonna' do it right here, right now. After studying the life of Jesus in the Gospels for the last 40 years, I can state with absolute certainty that […]

Stand in your power ...

During the last year or so as I made hard decisions about the direction of my life and career, I faced strong headwinds of frustration, confusion, and even anger from friends and colleagues. As I navigated these tricky moments, my spiritual director would often ask me to close my eyes and imagine myself. She would […]

The weariness of constant improvement ...

I conquered entropy last week and jump-started my old routine of rising before dawn and hitting a 5:45 AM spin class at our local gym. Kudos, right? Afterward, I took some time to stretch and strengthen my freshly battered muscles and I saw that someone had written a supposed-to-be-inspirational statement on a chalkboard in the […]

Faces ...

I indulged in a facial last week. Pure delight. I was struck by how gently and tenderly my aesthetician treated my face. Such light touches, Such gentle strokes. It almost brought me to tears. Weird, right? Think about it, though - our faces do such majestic work all day, every day. They are how we […]

These are the men #2 ...

These are the men ... colleagues and friends, who see women as teammates, equals and partners in the world. These are the men who never take credit for her ideas, who always ask her opinion, who happily get the coffee, take the notes or bring snacks to the meeting. These are the men who tell […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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