I am thoughtful this week about the idea that most of human unhappiness stems from within.
We are unhappy, many of us, with ourselves.
I often wonder what kind of energy might be freed up in the human soul if we simply were done disliking ourselves, berating ourselves, wishing we were someone else.
This is why I love the Merton quote I posted yesterday: “A tree brings glory to God by being a tree.”
That simple line says almost everything I want to say about self-acceptance, but also about the most profound way to glorify God – by simply becoming oneself.
So, more on this topic from Mother Theresa:
“The president of Mexico sent for me. I told him that he had to become holy as a president: not a Missionary of Charity, but as a president.
He looked at me a bit surprised, but it is like that: we have to become holy, each of us, in the place where God has put us.”
What might it look like for you to “become holy” in the place where God has put you?
Give up the idea that you should be somewhere, someone else.
Use all your God-given energy to become more and more who you actually are, right where you are.