I leave for my modified Camino on Tuesday, September 3.

I thought I would be packing a suitcase filled with wool socks, hiking pants, blister band-aids and rain ponchos. Instead, I am curating my reading selection, packing cute dresses for evening meals, scouting out coffee shops and wine bars, and loading up a brand new journal to record my thoughts.

Rather than walking with my pack of friends, I will be spending a few days solo in the beautiful Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela.

The lesson of surrendering my plans to the Universe continues to be learned. Gratefully, my Plan B sounds like pure gift to me right now.

I read "A Liturgy for Leaving on Holiday" this morning and wanted to share the first couple stanzas:

"Oh Christ our Sabbath, you have fashioned us to function best in rhyming lines of work and rest;

our relaxations and recreations like unspoken invitations to that greater holiday still to come--

when all burdens will at last be shed and weariness be put to bed,

and gladsome joy stretch endlessly before us.

Bless our pending trip here at its first christening,

Bless the days to come: the days of duties undone,



Bless our pilgrim quest for restoration!"

(Every Moment Holy, Volume I)

I have no idea what I am walking into. No idea who I will meet, what I will eat, what I will see. That is pretty thrilling to me.

I love the phrases used in this liturgy - "the days of duties undone, unbuckled, unbound." Yes, please!

If my last Camino two years ago is any indication, I will return a changed person. Last time I walked, this time I will rest, but each option has its gifts.

In this moment, in this season, the gift of extended rest sounds like the best gift of all.

Bless my pilgrim quest for restoration!! AMEN.