I have been following Billy Graham’s grandson, Tullian Tchividjian, on twitter. He tweets a lot about grace.

Learning to live in grace is my one New Year’s resolution for 2015.

Then I read what Tchividjian had to say about resolutions:

“Down deep, every one of us longs to be loved, accepted, appreciated, respected, and so on. We want our lives to count.

And we conclude that if we’re going to experience these things, we have to make it happen by doing more, trying harder, losing weight, behaving better, etc.

In other words, underneath our New Year’s resolutions is the drive to save ourselves by generating our own value, significance, meaning, and security by what we do and by who we can become.”

New Year’s resolutions are a burdening attempt to fix ourselves and make ourselves more loveable.

But here’s the good news: God loves us as we are, not as we should be.

I just bought his new devotional – It Is Finished. Every day, for 365 days, he is going to push me on grace.

Do you think a resolution to live more fully in grace counts as kind of an anti-resolution?

I think so.