alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Grace


I read this short essay last weekend and it is still rolling around in my heart.

Ocean of mercy ...

A short thought or poem for the weekend, friends ... "A worldview of weighing and counting is utterly insufficient once you fall into the ocean of mercy." (Richard Rohr, The Universal Christ)

The weariness of constant improvement ...

I conquered entropy last week and jump-started my old routine of rising before dawn and hitting a 5:45 AM spin class at our local gym. Kudos, right? Afterward, I took some time to stretch and strengthen my freshly battered muscles and I saw that someone had written a supposed-to-be-inspirational statement on a chalkboard in the […]

God's wholehearted love ...

I love listening to broken people talk about God. There is no moralizing, no pontificating, no fake humility about how they are just so blessed. Just. So. Blessed. Give me a good alcoholic who has to try every day to stay on the wagon, give me someone who has had their heart broken once or […]

When God thinks about you ...

I have noticed in my decades as a pastor that more people than not have a troubled relationship with God. Rather than experiencing God as love and loving, we experience God as judgmental and judging. This dramatically impacts how we live, whether we realize it or not. A couple quotes got me thinking about this. […]

We are accepted ...

So much of life is spent trying to gain acceptance from others - our parents, friends, colleagues, children, even strangers. We all want to be seen, known, and accepted, flaws and all. Too often, acceptance feels elusive. And so we try to achieve it. We fit ourselves into molds that will gain acceptance from one […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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