alice at dawn alice shirey blog

Category: Faith

God is not absent ...

I am entranced with Christian Wiman's memoir/series of essays entitled My Bright Abyss: Meditation of a Modern Believer. This is my second or third attempt at reading it; I was simply not ready for it the first time. This time, though ... If you are a slightly angsty, deconstructing or deconstructed Christian or Christian-adjacent person, […]

Come to him poor and helpless ...

"If we know how great is the love of Jesus for us we will never be afraid to go to Him in all our poverty, all our weakness, all our spiritual wretchedness, and infirmity. Indeed, when we understand the true nature of his love for us, we will prefer to come to Him poor and […]

Can we stop breaking each other's hearts?

Since leaving my former church, I have found myself listening more carefully to my neighbors. After saying a resounding YES to officiating the wedding of two beloved friends of mine, it is as if wax has been removed from my ears and blinders removed from my eyes. My heart feels open and soft and beats […]

An enormous contingent of thoughtful people ...

During my trip to Costa Rica last month, I felt compelled to find a quiet space to read a book I have started many times but couldn't find the energy - the mind space - for. This time, by a quiet pool in a national park in the Costa Rican jungle, the book clicked. I […]

Travel changes us ...

My oldest daughter was studying overseas in Rabat, Morocco. We flew over to visit. I had never been to a primarily Muslim country. It felt strange and beautiful. One afternoon we walked through the city to meet our daughter for lunch. For the second time that day, the call to prayer rose up from the […]

The dualistic mind ...

One of my deepest struggles with evangelical Christianity is the dualism through which this version of faith views people. In or Out. Good or Bad. Saint or Sinner. Christian or non-Christian. Believer or non-believer. Heaven or Hell. These distinctions just don't hold water for me, especially because they are often used to label and to […]

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alice at dawn alice shirey blog
Welcome to Alice at Dawn. My short posts are meant to be regular reminders to keep walking, to keep living, to continue to listen to the voice deep within your spirit that whispers ... this is the way. Walk in it.

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